In het begin was het nog leuk. Hadden we onderweg noodweer, toen we daar aankwamen was het droog, zelfs warm.
W., die eigenlijk niet mee wilde maar mee moest, gijng in z'n stoel zitten lezen terwijl wij alles eens goed bekeken. We haden goed uitzicht op de weg waar de renners vandaan moesten komen en nu was het wachten......
Yesterday was the day that de Tour de France came through Belgium. And G, who really likes cycling, wanted to go and see. It almost never happens that we can see the Tour live (unless you're going on holiday to France). A chance he wouldn't miss. So, off we go, to Aarsele, a small village 75 minutes away, where there would be a sprint for points for the green jersey.
It started very nice. The whether was very bad on the drive to Aarsele, but when we came there the sun came through, it was very nice.
W., who didn't wanted to come, but had to, sat in his chair and started reading a book, while we looked around. We had a great view on the road, so we could see the racers come. Now it's just wait.......
Eerst kwam de reclamekaravaan, veel lawaai, hoge snelheid en af en toe reclamemateriaal weggevend. Zo ontvingen we een flesje Aquarel-water, een zakje Haribo snoepjes, een Tour de France-krant (in het frans) en een worstje in een pakje.
First came the publicity-cars, lots of noise, high speed and every now and then they handed out publicity-materials. We got a bottle Aquarel-water, a little bag of Haribo-sweets, a Tour-De France-newspaper (in French!) and a sausage.
Meanwhile it started raining but we stayed foot.
En eindelijk, daar waren de renners. Eerst drie koplopers, en 2 minuten later het peloton.
At last, there were the cyclists. First 3 front runners, 2 minutes later followed by the others.
Ze flitsten werkelijk voorbij. Ik heb niet eens de gele trui-drager gezien! Maar goed, we hebben de Tour de France live meegemaakt en daar ging het om.
They rushed off in a flash, I didn't get a chance to see the Yellow jersey! But hey, we saw the Tour de France live and that's what it's all about.
2 opmerkingen:
Wow Yolanda what fab photos. Love all the movement :O) I think it's the nearest I'll get to see the Tour de France so thank you :O) Love all the adverising vehicles too, a bit Disneyland~ish xXx
Gave foto's joh!! Leuk om zoiets eens in et echie mee te maken!!
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